How to create a UI Style Guide for Better User Experience
Designers and developers of today’s digital experiences face a similar challenge. The passage of time is a formidable foe capable of wreaking havoc on the continuity of digital products. With time, team members come and go, trends evolve, and features change. Plus, the rapid pace of our modern day digital landscape means that product innovation…
5 Websites with inspiring User Interface (UI) Design
We’ve all encountered websites and applications that make us want to throw our devices across the room in frustration. At least, I hope it’s not just me. Fundamentally, a good user interface enables users to complete the activity that they came to the website to do with ease and without confusion. Truly great UI achieves…
5 Steps in Web Design And Development Process
Designing and building a web site/app requires development teams to follow a process of steps that get the project to completion. As an interface designer at Create for more than five years, I’m well versed in this process and I understand what it takes to get to the finish line. For a client or business owner, understanding the…